Emmanuel Macron in Pas-de-Calais and the North on Wednesday

Emmanuel Macron goes to Pas-de-Calais on Wednesday before going to defend in Tourcoing (North) the European migration pact and the reform of the Schengen area during a meeting of the Ministers of the Interior of the EU, said the Elysée on Sunday.

While the trip to Tourcoing had already been announced, the presidency indicated on Sunday that it will be preceded by a visit to Pas-de Calais, at a time when Emmanuel Macron’s political opponents are pushing him to declare his candidacy for the presidential.

First talk about the future of the mining basin

The Head of State will first go to Liévin, a former mining town, where he will commemorate the memory of the 42 miners who died on December 27, 1974 at the Saint-Amé pit and will discuss with local actors during a meeting on ” the future of the mining basin”.

This visit, in the presence of Deputy Ministers Agnès Pannier-Runacher (Industry), Brigitte Bourguignon (Autonomy) and Emmanuelle Wargon (Housing), is, according to the Elysée, a continuation ofe the Commitment for the renewal of the mining basin (ERBM), “aim to give new impetus to the mining basin”.

Emmanuel Macron will then go to the Louvre-Lens museum where, accompanied by Roselyne Bachelot (Culture), he will exchange with middle and high school students.

Preparing for the reform of the Schengen area

He will end the day in Tourcoing for the informal meeting of European Ministers of the Interior within the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

According to the Elysée, the president wishes “to mark the importance of the discussions in progress with a view to reforming the Schengen area”, a reform which France has made one of the priorities of the presidency of the Council of the EU that she assumes since January 1 for six months.

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