Emmanuel Macron gives his Christmas recommendations on TikTok and Twitter

Just to be sure that everyone has received the message, Emmanuel Macron has provided his health recommendations on social networks for the end of the year celebrations. On his TikTok account in front of the camera, the president recalled some barrier gestures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus while the French are going to spend several days with their family for Christmas.

No shattering announcements, nothing but reminders known (normally) to all: “the mask, wash your hands regularly, keep the distance, regularly ventilate the rooms where we are”, lists the Head of State.


♬ original sound – Emmanuel Macron

Get tested before finding grandma

Emmanuel Macron also insisted on the importance of getting tested when you have symptoms, but not only. “Even if you are vaccinated, go get tested to check that you are not a carrier of the virus before meeting your loved ones, especially when they are older,” he says facing the camera.

Finally, the French president launched a final appeal to encourage citizens to be vaccinated “whether it is the first dose or the booster”. “This reduces the risk of catching the virus, it reduces the serious forms and therefore the risk for you of ending up in the hospital or even more serious in the emergency room”, he stressed before concluding by thanking the professions mobilized to care for and protect.

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