Emmanuel Macron condemns “with the greatest firmness the atrocities” committed in Izioum…

9:45 a.m.: Versailles and the Louvre plunged into darkness earlier

After the Eiffel Tower, it is the Louvre and Versailles which will bring forward the extinction of their lighting, a “symbolic” measure to raise awareness of the energy crisis, said this Saturday the Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak.

“As of this (Saturday) evening”, the Pyramid of the Louvre will be extinguished at 11 p.m. instead of 1 a.m., declared the minister on France 2, in the wake of similar measures taken by the city of Paris which decided this week of plunging the Eiffel Tower and the Hôtel de Ville into darkness earlier.

“We are also going to turn off the facade of the Palace of Versailles at 10 p.m. instead of 11 p.m. next week,” she added. “Symbols are important to raise awareness,” she said, adding that “these symbolic measures” were not enough.

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