Emmanuel Macron calls on Asia-Pacific countries to join the “growing consensus” against the conflict

Millions of Ukrainians without electricity in the middle of winter

Several Ukrainian cities, including the capital, kyiv, again suffered Russian strikes on Thursday, leaving millions of people without electricity, while the first snow fell on Ukraine, where temperatures could drop to −10 ° It this week.

These repetitive bombings have targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure since October and regularly deprive millions of inhabitants of power and water. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denounced “another Russian terrorist attack”.

“Dozens of missiles this morning. Civilian sites are the main target. Russia is waging war on electricity and heat for people by blowing up power plants and other energy facilities”he said. “At present, more than ten million Ukrainians are without electricity”especially in the kyiv region, the Ukrainian president said Thursday evening during his daily televised speech.

The Kremlin claimed on Thursday that the suffering of civilians in Ukraine was attributable to kyiv’s refusal to negotiate. “This is the consequence of the Ukrainian side’s unwillingness to settle the problem, to start negotiations, of its refusal to seek common ground”said Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Kremlin.

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