Emmanuel Macron calls for calm and denounces “manipulations”

Faced with “a very explosive situation” in Guadeloupe, plagued by urban violence, Emmanuel Macron assured of the “solidarity” of the nation, this Monday, and asked “not to give in to lies and manipulation”.

The Head of State assured, on the sidelines of a visit to Amiens (Somme), that there was in Guadeloupe “a growing support for vaccination”, despite the opposition of a “very small minority”, “Very active”.

The government “mobilized”

“We cannot use the health of the French to wage political battles” and “public order must be maintained”, he maintained, while the West Indian island is shaken by a movement originating from the challenge to the vaccination obligation of caregivers, which degenerated into a social crisis punctuated by numerous violence.

“There is a situation which is very explosive, which is linked to a very local context, to tensions that we know and which are historical and also to certain interests which seek a little to use this context and the anxiety”, estimated the President of the Republic. “The government is mobilized”, he assured, specifying that the ministers of Overseas, Sébastien Lecornu, and of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, “themselves led the crisis unit on Saturday”, “in direct monitoring ”with“ the prefect who represents the government on the spot ”.

A meeting in Matignon

The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, is to hold a meeting this Monday at 6 p.m. in Matignon in the presence of the two ministers, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, as well as elected Guadeloupeans. “The Nation is in solidarity”, repeated the Head of State, citing “the supports, the means, the materials, the beds” deployed “when it was necessary” on the Caribbean island.

Emmanuel Macron was still pleased that “Guadeloupe (have) adhered gradually, and more and more, to vaccination”, rejoicing that they have, “like all of our overseas, (…) understood that that was the solution ”, and also asking to find“ calm and respect for everyone (…) peace and public order ”.

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