Emmanuel Macron believes that the state of emergency “should not be extended”

Macron excludes that “appeasement” requires an institutional “step back”

Emmanuel Macron called at the start of his visit to New Caledonia for “constructive appeasement” and the search for a political “solution”, but without returning to the result of the three referendums which confirmed the maintenance of the overseas territory in the Republic.

“Appeasement cannot be a return to the past. Appeasement cannot be about not respecting the popular expression that has already been played out. Appeasement cannot be about denying in some way a path that has has already been done”, said the President of the Republic in front of elected officials and representatives of the active forces of the archipelago, shaken by more than a week of riots.

“Nevertheless, we must bring all stakeholders back to the table,” he argued.

The New Caledonian government denounces “intolerable” inflation in businesses

Many businesses have taken advantage of the security crisis shaking New Caledonia to apply excessive prices, including on regulated products, an “unacceptable and intolerable” practice, denounces the local government which intends to impose “control measures”.

“Faced with the current situation, it has been noted that certain traders are taking advantage of the circumstances to exaggerately increase the prices of their products, some of which are regulated, making this practice completely illegal,” writes the collegiate government in a press release.

Exchanges between Emmanuel Macron and local elected officials

The President of the Republic finished his introductory remarks. Discussions will now take place between Emmanuel Macron and local political forces and economic players in New Caledonia.

The President of the Republic deplores episodes of “racism” in access to food

Emmanuel Macron deplores “a racism that we didn’t think we would see return” in New Caledonia. “No one can accept that we can have access to food because we have this or that color of skin or this or that origin.”

Macron believes that the state of emergency “should not be extended” provided that everyone “calls for the barriers to be lifted”

The President of the Republic does not want a renewal of the state of emergency, but wants all the political forces of the archipelago to call “with clarity” for the lifting of the blockades in New Caledonia.

Emmanuel Macron announces that the soldiers deployed in New Caledonia will remain there “as long as necessary”

The soldiers deployed as reinforcements in New Caledonia will be able to stay in the archipelago for several weeks, even several months, including during the Olympic Games, announces Emmanuel Macron.

“The first thing is order, calm, peace and the situation which is still ongoing today, obviously concerns me,” also declared Emmanuel Macron.

Emmanuel Macron observes a minute of silence for the six people killed during the riots

The President of the Republic pays tribute to the six people (two gendarmes, four civilians) killed during the riots.

The presidential motorcade arrives at the High Commission

The President of the Republic will meet in a few moments with local elected officials and economic players.

MP Nicolas Metzdorf “opposed to the postponement of the Versailles Congress”

“The mission of dialogue is not what will resolve things and for me that is not that,” declared Renaissance MP Nicolas Metzdorf to the press, according to comments reported by Les Nouvelles calédoniennes.

“For me it is a takeover of the file by Emmanuel Macron. I am more than ever opposed to the postponement of the Versailles Congress, it would lead to violence,” he says.

Reinforced security around the High Commission of the Republic

Security is strongly reinforced, pending the arrival of the President of the Republic, at the High Commission in Nouméa, report our colleagues from La1ère.

Emmanuel Macron will meet local economic players and elected officials

During his visit to New Caledonia, the President of the Republic must meet for at least two hours with elected officials and economic players in the archipelago at the high commission.

Emmanuel Macron must also install a mission made up of three senior officials, who will stay on site “as long as necessary” and “will aim to bring about a local political dialogue with the aim of reaching a global political agreement”, specified Wednesday Prime Minister Gabriel Attal before the Senate.

Emmanuel Macron assures that “decisions will be taken and announcements will be made”

Having just arrived in New Caledonia, Emmanuel Macron assured that he had “no limit” on time on site and promised “decisions”.

“At the end of this day, decisions will be taken and announcements will be made,” he told the press.

According to him, “many people are suffering from a situation of great crisis” since the start of the riots in New Caledonia.

“The priority of priorities”: Emmanuel Macron hopes “as quickly as possible” a “return to peace, calm, security” in New Caledonia

Arriving on Caledonian soil, the President of the Republic said he was “alongside the population”.

Emmanuel Macron announced that he hoped “to return to peace, calm and security as quickly as possible”. He added: “It is the priority of priorities”, specifying to come with “a lot of respect, humility”.

Emmanuel Macron arrived in New Caledonia

The president’s plane has just landed in New Caledonia for a lightning trip to launch a “mission” of dialogue and put an end to the violence plaguing the archipelago.

In particular, he must speak with elected officials and economic players in the archipelago, where the violence and destruction have plunged into a catastrophic situation.

New Caledonia still under tension

A few hours before Emmanuel Macron’s arrival on New Caledonian soil, the situation was still extremely tense on the island.

The separatists do not want to give up and remain mobilized on their dams, to the point that after more than a week of crisis, the archipelago still seems paralyzed today.

Emmanuel Macron expected in Nouméa

Good evening and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to Emmanuel Macron’s trip to New Caledonia, which has been plagued by violent riots for more than a week.

With Gérald Darmanin and Sébastien Lecornu, the president must set up a “mission” of dialogue on the Caillou.

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