Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, in the second round of a presidential election marked by animosity

Two rooms, same atmosphere. Tuesday, April 12, in Strasbourg, the public meeting held by Emmanuel Macron at the foot of the cathedral was disrupted by militants hostile to the Head of State, who came to throw their slogans – “social traitor! », “give back the ISF! », “Macron in jail! » –, before being evacuated by the security service. One of them was dragged to the ground.

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The same day, Marine Le Pen was welcomed in Vernon (Eure) by a line of invectives, too: “Marine Putin! », “Facho! » The candidate of the National Rally (RN) saw her press conference the next day interrupted by an elected environmentalist wishing to denounce her “complacency” towards Russian President Vladimir Putin. She, too, was taken out vigorously, dragged on the ground.

Usually, the presidential election arouses, if not hope, at least a semblance of enthusiasm. Every five years, in the Caesarist tradition of the Vand Republic, the French try hard to believe in the myth of the providential candidate, who will succeed where his predecessor failed. A more or less long state of grace sets in after his victory, then the magic fades away. This tale seems to have become inaudible. The incumbent against the extreme right: this is what the debate is reduced to. Animosity reigns, not enthusiasm.

” To block “

On the evening of the first round, Emmanuel Macron like Marine Le Pen delivered catch-all speeches, in front of supporters with mechanical ardor. The first bet, in his short campaign, on a conservative reflex, which would see the voters renew a man capable of helping France to cushion the shock of the crises. The second was betting on clearance. Difficult to create a feeling of membership in this context.

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In view of the second round, Sunday April 24, which promises to be open, Emmanuel Macron has converted to the dynamics of rejection. Not a day goes by without the Head of State calling his opponent a “extreme right candidate” or underlines the dangerousness of his project, which aims to deconstruct the European Union, the rule of law, and is based on questionable financial and legal credibility. A demonization by ideas more than values, in order to reactivate the republican barrage, even if he considers that the latter “no longer a reality”.

In an attempt to reverse the stigma, the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, too, calls for ” to block “ to the outgoing president. “Barrier to a new five-year period of social desolation and national deconstruction”she launched in a meeting in Avignon, Wednesday.

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