Emergencies: Fatal fire in refugee accommodation: police are investigating

Deadly fire in refugee accommodation: police are investigating

The fire brigade extinguishes the fire in the refugee accommodation. photo

© Johannes Krey/Jkfotografie&tv/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

A fire breaks out in a refugee accommodation in Apolda, Thuringia – one person dies. There are many indications that it is a boy from Ukraine.

After the fire in a refugee accommodation in Apolda, in which a boy from Ukraine died, the investigation continues. The cause of the fire yesterday morning was still unclear. Thuringia’s Interior Minister Georg Maier (SPD) wrote on Twitter in the evening: “A child died in Apolda today who had sought protection from Putin’s bombs with his family. On days like this one could despair.” Several people were also injured in the fire.

The police had announced that one person had died. A nine-year-old boy from Ukraine has been missing since the fire. According to the police, it can only be said with certainty after a forensic examination whether the victim is the child. The body was due to be taken to the coroner’s office on Sunday. The result of the autopsy is not expected until Monday at the earliest, according to the police.

“I will do everything I can to clarify the cause of the fire. There must be complete clarity here,” Maier continued on Twitter.

The fire started in the living area of ​​the property. According to the police, 245 people, including many children, had to leave the building. The information on the number of injured and affected fluctuated during the course of the day. Most recently, the police wrote in a message from eleven people who received medical treatment, nine came to a hospital.

The public prosecutor’s office in Erfurt has initiated a so-called death investigation, said a police spokesman. In fire cases with fatalities, this is the standard procedure. There must be no initial suspicion of a crime in the room. The police could not give any information about the extent of the property damage.

Thuringia’s Migration Minister Doreen Denstädt (Greens) rejected hasty assessments of the cause of the fire. She came to Apolda herself on Sunday to find out about the situation. It is too early to say what happened, the politician said. Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) wrote on Twitter: “My thoughts are with the family and in mourning! All injured a speedy recovery.”


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