Emergencies: At least 37 dead after landslide in Philippines

At least 37 dead after landslide in Philippines

Rescue workers carry a victim from the village of Masara affected by a landslide. The number of deaths rose to 37. Photo

© Uncredited/AP/dpa

For days, rescuers have not found any survivors after the landslide on Mindanao. Dozens of people are still missing.

The number of deaths after Landslide in southern Philippines has risen to at least 37. 63 people were still missing on Sunday, rescuers and authorities said. No survivors have been recovered since Friday.

The landslide in the town of Maco on the island of Mindanano, almost 1,000 kilometers south of the capital Manila, destroyed 62 houses last Tuesday, according to authorities. Two buses carrying miners and a minibus were buried near a gold mine. This was preceded by heavy monsoon rains that have been hitting the island since the end of January.

A three-year-old girl and a two-month-old baby were recovered alive on Friday. This initially raised hopes of finding more survivors.


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