Elon Musk posts Hitler memes on Twitter – followers are appalled

protests in Canada
Scandal on Twitter: Elon Musk compares Justin Trudeau to Hitler

Elon Musk rarely minces his words on Twitter

© Patrick Pleul / DPA

Elon Musk draws a comparison between Hitler and Justin Trudeau. Canada’s prime minister is trying to use emergency legislation to quell truck driver protests in his country.

The fact that Elon Musk likes to go overboard on Twitter is nothing new. But a comparison with Hitler would probably not have been expected of the Tesla boss. But that’s exactly what happened: The billionaire tweeted a Hitler meme linking the Nazi dictator to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Musk was responding to a media report on Trudeau’s actions against truck drivers who have been demonstrating in the Canadian capital Ottawa for weeks against the corona rules and government policies. Canada’s federal police have asked financial institutions to halt transactions with accounts used by the protesting drivers to collect donations, for example. For Musk, Justin Trudeau seems to be close to a dictator.

Elon Musk: His Hitler tweet causes incomprehension

“Stop comparing me to Justin Trudeau,” says the picture of Hitler. “I had a household.” Musk is apparently alluding to Trudeau’s problems with presenting a federal budget. The richest man in the world received incomprehension from many followers on Twitter. “It’s very tasteless,” criticized one user.

Protests in Canada: scandal on Twitter: Elon Musk compares Justin Trudeau to Hitler

Trudeau declared a national emergency this week amid ongoing protests. To do this, he used a law that was passed in 1988 but has never been applied. For a short time, Trudeau can use it to suspend civil rights to restore public order. The Prime Minister announced the measures would be temporary, locally targeted and “appropriate”.

Ottawa: Continued protests by truck drivers in Canada

Downtown Ottawa is still blocked by hundreds of trucks. The protests were triggered by a regulation that required truckers returning from the United States to show proof of vaccination. At the weekend, emergency services had already cleared a center of the protests: After a blockade for almost a week, traffic on an important border bridge between the city of Windsor in Canada and Detroit in the USA was flowing again. The governments on both sides of the border had previously warned of the economic consequences of the blockade.

Trudeau reiterated that his government would use “no force” against the protesters. The police were given “more tools” at hand. It is now “time for an end” to the protests.

Swell:Elon Musk on Twitter / DPA / AFP


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