Elon Musk Calls Dogecoin Feels Like “People’s Crypto”

inlast tweet Billionaire Elon Musk spoke of his support for Dogecoin, describing it as a “People’s Crypto”

Musk explained that he views the meme coin like this because many people who work for Tesla and SpaceX own it:

They are not Silicon Valley financial gurus or technologists. That’s why I decided to support Doge – it feels like people’s crypto.

In early May, when Dogecoin nearly hit a record high of $0.73, he recently stressed the importance of Dogecoin scaling to eliminate the need for layer-2 of the Lightning network:

“Bitcoin was born during times of relatively low bandwidth and high latency, if both continue to improve. We will get to the point where the second layer is not needed.”

Musk also urged crypto holders not to bet all their money in crypto, arguing that the real value lies in the creation of the product.

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