Elisabeth Borne welcomed by Jean Castex at Matignon for the handover

Elisabeth Borne, member of the government since 2017, becomes the second woman to occupy Matignon

Twenty-two days after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron as President of the Republic, the Head of State decided to appoint Elisabeth Borne as Prime Minister to begin his second five-year term, replacing Jean Castex. The latter submitted the resignation of the government, Monday afternoon, and must give way, during a transfer of powers to Matignon, to the one who was hitherto Minister of Labor.

First in charge of transport, then of the ecological and solidarity transition, she had taken the head of a large ministry of work, employment and integration in July 2020. With this appointment, it is a new chapter of her career in administration and politics that is beginning, which began when she entered the cabinet of Lionel Jospin, then Minister of National Education, as a technical adviser in 1991.

First woman appointed to Matignon since Edith Cresson (May 1991-April 1992), from the left – she was director of the cabinet of Ségolène Royal at the Ministry of Ecology, during the five-year term of François Hollande -, Ms.me Borne has never held an elected office. This is an important difference with his two predecessors, Edouard Philippe and Jean Castex, but which was not considered blocking by Mr. Macron, first in search of a prime minister “attached to the social question, the environmental question and the productive question”. Three areas covered by Mme Borne during her work in the government, which began after her departure from the presidency of the RATP, which she had led since 2015.

Read also: Elisabeth Borne, three times minister and former president of the RATP, appointed Prime Minister

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