Elisabeth Borne confirms that a points system is no longer considered by Emmanuel Macron

The system of a retirement by points “could create concern” and it is “perhaps preferable” to make the reform differently, admitted Sunday Élisabeth Borne on BFMTV, thus indirectly confirming that Emmanuel Macron does not. was planning more for a second five-year term. In his speech Tuesday, the president had already announced that “the conditions are not met” to relaunch the work of pension reform, postponed to 2022 and a possible second term.

But he no longer mentioned the introduction of a points system, a key theme of his 2017 reform project. According to him, it is now a question of “pushing back the legal age”, “eliminating special regimes by harmonizing the rules between public and private “,” to encourage work beyond the legal age “and” to ensure that at the end of a full career, no pension may be less than 1,000 euros “.

In the universal pension system voted on at first reading by the National Assembly before the Covid crisis, the amount of the pension should depend on a number of points accumulated throughout the professional career and no longer on the duration of the contribution (in quarters) and the reference salary (25 best years in the private sector, last 6 months in the public sector).

To achieve the consideration of the whole of a duration of activity, “there are other ways of doing it (than the points system) and perhaps that is preferable”, judged the Minister of Labor. The points system was widely criticized by all unions, with the exception of the CFDT.

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