Elephant runs angrily towards the car – tourists are scared away

Watch the video: An angry elephant runs towards the car – tourists are frightened.

Frightening moment: An angry elephant runs towards a jeep.

The video, released by Indian administrator Supriya Sahu, shows a pachyderm trumpeting loudly in pursuit of a safari jeep. This is full of tourists.

The driver of the vehicle immediately reverses until the elephant gives up and disappears into the wild.

The tourists sigh with relief.

The short video already has 370,000 views on Twitter. Internet users are shocked by the recording – but praise the driver’s reaction.

Others write that invading the territory of these animals can lead to such situations.

“Trespassing on animals’ territory always leads to such situations, which can be deadly. Why can’t you leave them alone as they don’t invade human territory but we always do. The animals are always friendly with the local people who know their limits.” – comment from a user

The video is said to have been taken in Kabini National Park in southern India.

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