Electricity mix in the first half of the year: share of green electricity increased significantly

Status: 05.07.2022 08:31 a.m

Almost half of the electricity production in Germany came from renewable energies in the first six months of this year. A lot of wind and sun caused the share of green electricity to increase significantly in the first half of the year.

From January to June, renewable energies covered 49 percent of electricity generation in Germany. This is the result of preliminary calculations by the industry association BDEW and the Stuttgart research institute ZSW from Stuttgart. Compared to the previous year, this was an increase of six percentage points. According to the information, good wind and solar yields in the spring were mainly responsible for this.

Wind on land contributes the most

Onshore wind turbines accounted for 21 percent of German electricity generation, compared to 17 percent in the same period of the previous year. Twelve percent of the electricity was generated with solar systems, a year earlier it was ten percent. The industry association has not yet provided any information on the exact proportions of coal, gas and nuclear power.

The Germans consumed less electricity overall in the first half of the year. Electricity consumption fell by two billion kilowatt hours to an estimated 281 billion. Sun, wind and other renewable sources generated 139 billion kilowatt hours, while conventional energy sources accounted for 159 billion kilowatt hours. The difference between the total of 298 billion generated and the consumed 281 billion kilowatt hours was exported abroad.

Expansion of renewable energies required

BDEW boss Kerstin Andreae called for a rapid expansion of renewable energies: “They are the key to green electricity and heat supply, an industry that produces hydrogen and climate-neutral mobility.” There is an urgent need for action, particularly in the case of onshore wind energy. Designated areas were still missing. The expansion of onshore wind power has stalled in recent years. Industry representatives also see too long planning and approval processes as a reason for this.

Coalition wants green electricity offensive

According to media reports, the coalition factions in the Bundestag agreed yesterday evening on a massive expansion of renewable energies. The dpa news agency reports that various laws are intended to create the basis for a long-term, climate-neutral power supply. The last differences in the so-called Easter package from Economics Minister Robert Habeck were cleared up in the parliamentary process, it is said afterwards. The package had previously been passed in the cabinet and discussed in the Bundestag, but the FDP had called for a number of changes.

The agreement will now ensure that the EEG green electricity levy, which was reduced to zero on July 1, will be permanently abolished, said FDP parliamentary group Vice President Lukas Köhler. “The financing of renewables via the electricity bill is finally history.”

In addition, it was decided that each federal state would have to make around two percent of its land available for wind power. Köhler emphasized that each state can decide for itself how to achieve the area target, so minimum distances to residential buildings are still possible.

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