Electricity, heat, factories: What Germany needs energy from Russia for – economy

Gas heating, coal-fired power plants, oil refineries: to date, Russia has been Germany’s most important energy supplier. There are alternative sources and technologies, but some things still need time. An overview.


Michael Bauchmüller and Benedikt Müller-Arnold, Berlin/Düsseldorf

Economics Minister Robert Habeck likes clear words. Same this time. “I say that with great regret,” exclaims the Green: “Germany is dependent on Russian energy imports.” If they were to tear down, there would be consequences for social security, not to mention the economy. Because the republic still needs gas, oil and coal for the power supply, for heating and for industry. All three energies are supplied by Russia on a large scale. Where and how would Germany be hit if the connections were severed? And what can be mitigated? An overview.

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