Election mishap commission accuses Berlin Senate of serious omissions – criticism also from the opposition

Criticism also from the opposition

Election mishap commission accuses Berlin Senate of serious omissions

Picture: picture alliance/dpa | Sebastian Gollnow

The Berlin election mishaps in September 2021 caused a nationwide sensation. On Wednesday, a commission set up specifically to deal with the matter presented its results – and did not spare criticism of the then incumbent Senate.

On Wednesday, the representatives of the 21-strong expert commission on the Berlin election glitches were unusually open in their criticism of the Senate responsible at the time and, above all, of the interior administration. This is responsible for the supervision of elections and should have anticipated many of the problems, it was said when the panel’s final report was presented.

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CDU and FDP attack ex-Interior Senator

At the end of September, a decision will be made about new elections

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