Election campaign in Mexico: dead and injured in stage accident

Status: 23.05.2024 09:02 a.m.

Next week, elections will be held in Mexico on several levels. The final stretch of the election campaign has been overshadowed by an accident that left several people dead: a stage collapsed due to gusts of wind at an event in the east of the country.

In Mexico, at least nine people were killed and more than 60 others injured when a stage collapsed during an election campaign event. A child was among the dead, according to the governor of the state of Nuevo León, Samuel García.

The accident occurred on a baseball field in the municipality of San Pedro Garza García, near the city of Monterrey. Presidential candidate Jorge Álvarez Máynez also attended the event. Videos were published on online networks showing the supports supporting the stage collapsing in stormy weather. A huge screen then fell onto the podium where Álvarez Máynez and other people were. The presidential candidate was apparently not seriously injured.

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The victims “will not be alone in this tragedy,” he told reporters after the incident. He canceled upcoming election campaign appointments. Álvarez Máynez wrote on social media that he had gone to hospital after the incident. He’s fine. “The only thing that is important now is to take care of the victims of the accident,” he wrote.

Current Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he was sending “a hug to family members, friends of the victims and political supporters.” Condolences poured in from across the country. Miguel Treviño, the mayor of San Pedro Garza García, said on social media: “My prayers are with the victims.”

Election on 2 June

The election campaign is currently underway in Mexico for the presidential, parliamentary and regional elections, which will take place on June 2nd. Álvarez Máynez from the center-left Movimiento Ciudadano party made a name for himself with his contributions to online networks and his confident demeanor in the debates between the presidential candidates. In polls so far he has been in third place behind Claudia Sheinbaum of the ruling Morena party and Xóchitl Gálvez, the candidate of an opposition coalition. Both expressed their condolences. Sheinbaum canceled a campaign rally in Monterrey. She said she was doing this out of solidarity with the victims and their families.

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