Eighteen-month suspended prison sentence for shaving their daughter’s head to ‘make her less attractive’

A couple of parents were sentenced Thursday to an 18-month prison sentence suspended on probation by the court of Bourg-en-Bresse, in Ain. They also have the obligation to follow care. Both were prosecuted for having shaved the head of their eldest daughter of 17 years, reports Progress.

Paranoid, obsessed with the idea of ​​​​a possible kidnapping, the father and mother of the victim hardly left their home, constantly controlling the slightest actions and gestures of their teenager. Tired, the young girl ended up running away for a few days in June. She takes refuge with a friend in the south of France.

“We did it to make her ugly”

Her parents mistakenly imagine that she is a prostitute. They lose their footing and, to dissuade her from starting again, they decide to punish her on her return. They belt her, throw her to the ground and beat her before dragging her into the bathroom, where they forcibly cut her hair, then shave her head.

“I was afraid that we would not see her again if she left,” justified the mother, full of repentance before the court. And to add: “We did it to make it ugly. I figured if she was less attractive, they wouldn’t take her. »

The defense lawyer stressed that the couple was not abusive until that day, indicates the regional daily. Their daughter has left home but seems to have forgiven them. “It worked out with them,” she confessed to the magistrates.

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