Egypt: Two women die after shark attacks

Near Hurghada
Second woman dies in Egypt after shark attacks

An Austrian woman was attacked by a shark near the seaside resort of Hurghada in Egypt

© Marcel Lauck / DPA

After an Austrian woman died in Egypt as a result of a shark attack, a second woman has now also died. She was also attacked by a shark – just a few meters from the first scene of the accident.

A second woman has died after a shark attack near the Egyptian seaside resort of Hurghada. It had previously become known that a 68-year-old Austrian woman had been injured by a shark and later died in the hospital.

The shark approached the 68-year-old woman while she was swimming, the German press agency learned from medical circles in Hurghada late on Saturday evening.

Egypt: Austrian dies after shark attack

She suffered shock and died in hospital. The Russian agency Ria Novosti reported that the woman lost an arm and a leg in the attack.

As the news agency Reuters reports, hours after the incident, a second woman from Romania was found dead on the same beach, only about 600 meters from the scene of the accident. The ministry responsible confirmed that she was also a victim of a shark attack.

Only 600 meters away: Second woman died in a shark attack

The Austrian Foreign Ministry in Vienna confirmed the death of an Austrian. According to medical circles in Egypt, she was married to an Egyptian and lived in Hurghada on the Red Sea. Tourists watched the tragic scenes before her death from the beach and from a jetty.

A video of the incident shows the woman trying to get to safety in red-colored water. Meanwhile, men from the jetty try to pull her out of the water with a rope. The beach was closed for three days.

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The Red Sea is a popular destination for divers, among others. Shark attacks are actually very rare there. However, deadly attacks have occasionally occurred here as well. In 2018, a tourist from the Czech Republic died after a shark attack, as did a German in 2015 and a German pensioner in 2010.


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