EFS blood supplies below safety threshold

The French Blood Establishment (EFS) is worried. Reserves are falling and are now below the level of safety necessary to meet transfusion needs. The EFS is appealing for donations: it needs at least 30,000 pockets.

“The stock of blood products has been below the safety threshold and has been for several days. 70,000 bags of red blood cells are now in reserve when 100,000 are needed, ”writes the EFS in a press release, qualified
of “vital emergency bulletin”.

The impact of Covid-19

“Two years of permanent tension linked to the impacts generated by the Covid (cancellations of collections in companies and universities, lower mobilization of donors, difficulties in recruiting medical personnel) have considerably affected blood collection”, underlines the EFS.

“The wave linked to the Omicron variant, which affected several million French people in a few weeks, added two critical elements: the self-deferral of certain blood donors and a high rate of absenteeism among EFS staff”, adds the public establishment responsible for collecting blood.

No pass required

In the context of Covid-19, wearing a mask and more broadly respecting barrier gestures are compulsory when donating blood, but “neither the health pass nor the vaccination pass are necessary to access it”, specifies the ‘EFS.

However, “people who have shown symptoms of Covid-19 must wait 14 days after symptoms have disappeared to donate blood or 14 days after testing positive”, recalls the press release.

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