Edouard Mathé, tricolor figure in show jumping, indicted for rape

Edouard Mathé, 40, rider and technical director of the Tendercapital Stables stable, located in Les Yvelines, was indicted for rape, sexual assault and harassment on January 14 and placed under judicial supervision, we learned on Sunday. with the Versailles prosecutor’s office confirming information from the Sunday newspaper

A total of four women, now aged 18, 23, 27 and 35, filed a complaint. One of them was a minor at the time. The young woman was her student and her employee until June 2021. Arrived in 2020 when she was 16 years old in the stable, she filed a complaint in November for “sexual abuse of a minor over 15 years old by a person in authority and harassment “, according to his lawyer Me Nathalie Tomasini.

Mathé recognizes sexual relations

Banned by the French Riding Federation from participating in competitions after complaints of threats, Edouard Mathé
appealed this decision. The hearing will take place on January 28, according to the lawyer. But the rider “continues to train today and is still in contact with young girls, it’s very serious”, explains the lawyer.

Edouard Mathé admits having had sexual relations with the complainants but disputes the lack of consent, according to the prosecution, which entrusted the investigation to the Yvelines research section.

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