Eddy about the nude picture – ProSieben reacts to the photo

Joko didn’t know what Klaas would use the 15 minutes of broadcasting time for either.

Image: dpa / Daniel Karmann


Published: 05/04/2023, 00:13

Joko and Klaas had won 15 minutes of airtime from their station on “Joko and Klaas versus ProSieben”. In the past, the two entertainers had often used them creatively and, above all, mostly together. But this time everything was to be different.

Because Klaas had obviously not let his colleague in on his plans. In a complex action, he prepared his coup and not only embarrassed Joko. ProSieben reacted on Twitter and apparently distanced itself from its stars.

“Joko and Klaas against ProSieben”: Klaas robs Joko

Right from the start of the show it was clear that this time things would be different. “For production reasons, the following 15 minutes were pre-recorded,” it said. So Joko and Klaas’ 15 minutes were not live at all.

Joko had little to laugh about in this show.

Image: ProSieben / Sina Görtz

Shortly afterwards, it became clear why the pre-recording was necessary. Because Klaas had come up with something very special to surprise Joko. He spoke of the Voyager Golden Records, data disks that were launched into space some time ago. On them are testimonies of human life in order to surprise extraterrestrials. Klaas wanted to do something similar with Joko, but he made it clear:

“I will not be shot into space.”

Luckily for him, that didn’t turn out to be Klaas’ plan at all, which he had already put into practice a long time ago. He had tracked down a group of Englishmen who were professional at launching things into space with the help of a suitcase and a large balloon. “You are the chosen one. You are the first of 8 billion earthlings who will hold out their hands to the aliens in a figurative sense,” he proudly explained to Joko.

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What his colleague didn’t know: Klaas had stolen some of Joko’s belongings from his wardrobe and stowed them in a suitcase and shot them into space with the balloon. In addition to Joko’s glasses and his socks, his front door key and his identity card were also there. That annoyed Joko noticeably, but Klaas went one better.

He asked Joko to record a welcome video for the aliens. This was played in the suitcase and Joko was supposed to provide the soundtrack for it. In the film you saw Joko, who went through a kind of full body scan: He was shown naked from top to bottom. “How far does this video go. It’s not funny,” Joko panicked at some point. But a private part was also shown in the clip. Joko begged Klaas:

“Tell people this isn’t my snitch. Tell the people at home this isn’t nude of me.”

Joko then even suspected a deepfake in which his head was mounted on another image. “That’s a deepfake, do you know how dangerous that is?! You stupid pig!” He snapped at Klaas.

Fans have sweet suspicions

The spectators, on the other hand, found Klaa’s action really good. Many were even convinced that Klaas action is actually a kind of secret declaration of love to Joko. “Joko has a Klaas statue built to show him his love. Klaas just sends Joko’s person into space to show him his love,” wrote a fan on Twitter. Another found that Joko and Klaas would “think up absurd tokens of love that the other hates but also loves.”

ProSieben, on the other hand, was apparently shocked. “We would suggest we forget the deal we just saw?” the broadcaster tweeted on its official account.

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