Economy – energy crisis, no slump – economy

According to other economic researchers, the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) is now more optimistic. Despite the energy crisis and rising interest rates, the institute does not expect a deep recession in Germany. The weak phase over the winter is likely to be moderate, also because the electricity and gas price brakes supported private incomes. The gross domestic product will stagnate in 2023. The annual inflation rate should fall from 7.8 percent this year to 6.5 percent in 2023. The Association of Bavarian Business (vbw) praises the federal government for the price brakes, which should also help companies. However, she warns that many companies would not benefit from this. According to vbw Managing Director Bertram Brossardt, profit must have fallen too sharply due to EU regulations for many large industrial companies to be able to take advantage of the brakes. The prescribed retention of employment is also problematic, because in many companies many employees will retire in the next few years due to age.

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