Economy – Bavaria on the upswing – Bavaria

The economy in Bavaria has so far recovered more quickly from the consequences of the corona pandemic than in other federal states – at least in some industries. Overall, a “recovery course” is being recorded, the State Office for Statistics announced on Friday. The preliminary calculations of the “National Accounts of the Federal States” working group serve as the basis for this assessment. According to this, the Bavarian gross domestic product rose in the first half of 2021 price-adjusted by 3.7 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The increase in the national average is 2.9 percent. However, the slump last year due to the corona pandemic was also particularly large.

The upswing in this country is being borne, among other things, by industry. She has been reporting good international business for months. According to the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, sales in the manufacturing sector rose by 14 percent in the first half of the year. The car industry in particular benefited with an increase of 31 percent. Material shortages are still an issue for many industrial companies; there is a lack of semiconductors, metal or other manufacturing materials. The mood has also brightened recently in other sectors such as retail. People are already looking forward to the Christmas business there, which is traditionally the time of the year with the highest turnover. Elsewhere, on the other hand, the situation often remains difficult. The hospitality industry recently reported increasing sales again; However, these are well below the pre-Corona level. The statisticians recorded a price-adjusted minus of more than 22 percent for July 2021 alone, compared to July 2019. And the turnover of goods in Bavarian inland shipping even fell compared to the Corona year 2020: For the first half of 2021, a decrease of 14, 4 percent registered on a total of 3.16 million tons of goods.

Not only in Bavaria, but also in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony and Lower Saxony, the gross domestic product has recently risen above average. However, the figures can only be used with reservations: According to the State Statistical Office, full data are not yet available for all economic sectors, which is why “changes in the growth rates” are to be expected at a later stage.

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