Economic factor – carnival generates billions in sales – economy

The “foolish session” not only puts the jesters in a good mood and partying, it is also an important economic factor in Germany. In the period from 11.11. According to the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW), the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) reported that until Ash Wednesday, gastronomy, retail and other sectors entrusted with this generated sales of at least 1.65 billion euros through the carnival activities. Hoteliers, bar and restaurant owners as well as organizers posted record sales during the carnival season. Optimistic estimates even assume up to 2.75 billion euros that are generated in connection with carnival. After three years of deprivation under Corona conditions, the 2022/23 session was the first in which it was possible to celebrate again without restrictions, it said. Strong price surcharges also played a role: According to the information, overnight stays on the carnival weekend in Cologne are one and a half times as expensive as usual.

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