Eco-friendly, light and fun… The Woodybus wants to revolutionize school transport

The first in real circulation will criss-cross the roads of Normandy, from April. And it’s a safe bet that this funny vehicle, intended to “decarbonize school trips”, will not go unnoticed. I have to say that the woody bus, this wooden electric velobus with the false air of Rosalie, can spin up to nearly 20 km/h with eight children on board in addition to the driver. And what’s more, here, everyone pedals! Obtained at the end of last year, its approval required numerous safety tests. “To our knowledge, this is a first in France, explains Jean-François Robert, co-director of the Nantes start-up Humbird. There is a strong need to reduce the ecological footprint, especially in this area. The problem is that the regulations to authorize this type of vehicle to circulate on cycle lanes are very strict. »

For several years, this engineer who until then had specialized in racing motorcycles worked hard to design a machine with optimal characteristics. With its low weight (200 kg, assistance included) and its rather compact format (1m15 wide and 3m50 long), the Woodybus works with two batteries, an innovative transmission system in the process of patenting, solar panels on the roof, and offers independent pedals and even a reverse function.

Convenient for school bus service, for which it is now operational for short journeys. “In some sectors, a bus is moved for a few kilometers and a few students, which is a real shame, observes Jérémy Jeusset, the second co-director, who embarked on the adventure after gaining professional experience in the cargo bike. Our solution is more virtuous, and also helps to motivate children. They expend their energy to move around, while chatting and having fun with friends. »

Forty vehicles already ordered

In a few days, the assembly of the first vehicles will begin under the large hall of the S Factory (a new Nantes coworking space dedicated to innovation and sustainable production) where the wood arrives, maritime pine from New Aquitaine. A material “much lighter and less polluting than aluminum”, which also gives the machine “a little extra soul like Leonardo da Vinci”, laughs the creator.

If we shouldn’t delay starting production, it’s because the Seine-Eure community of municipalities has already ordered around forty bicycle buses over four years, after an experiment of another Dutch vehicle which has not received the necessary approval. According to the leaders of Humbird, several other communities have already shown signs of interest such as the metropolis of Grenoble, “to whom we are going to offer a rental vehicle so that it can test the relevance of the service”.

The company is thus counting on a production of around thirty Woodybuses for 2023 (sold for 19,500 euros excluding tax), for which it will hire an employee. The two inventors are already working on an “adult” version, perhaps with two fewer seats so that there is enough legroom, which could appeal to amusement parks or tourist sites.

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