Eco-balance: This is the sustainability of lettuce

Sliced ​​and ready to serve, this is how Germans love the salad from the supermarket. This can have consequences: for the environment and health.

Salad helps in an emergency. At least with Cesare Cardini. In 1924, the man ran a restaurant in Tijuana, on the Mexican border with the USA, where one day the guests stormed him but the supplies were almost exhausted. What was he supposed to serve? Cardini threw together what he found: white bread, parmesan, eggs, a few heads of romaine lettuce and other things. And because he wanted to put on a show, he mixed the ingredients right at the tables. The “Caesar Salad” was born.

It also has many fans in this country, like salad in general. Every German eats almost six kilos of it every year. But many people find washing and chopping annoying and resort to bagged salad. But is the green stuff from the film also sustainable?

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