Eckes-Granini versus Edeka: Juice manufacturer takes to court for design theft

Manufacturer against supermarket
Juice war at Edeka – Granini takes to court for design theft

Eckes-Granini is one of the big players in the juice industry

© / Picture Alliance

First, Edeka threw the juice of the industry giant Eckes-Granini off the shelves and replaced it with a private label. Now the juice manufacturer is taking the supermarket to court because of alleged design-Klaus.

It is a well-known game that supermarkets and product manufacturers fight hard for conditions. In the dispute between Edeka and the juice manufacturer Eckes-Granini, however, the latter is increasingly getting out of hand. In the meantime, it is no longer just about prices, but also about trademark rights and alleged design theft.

The latest escalation: Eckes-Granini has obtained an injunction against Edeka before the Hamburg district court, like that Food newspaper reported. The juice manufacturer wants to forbid the supermarket giant from selling its Albi juices because they copy Eckes-Granini’s design. “We have reached a resolution,” said a spokesman for the juice manufacturer of the LZ. “Our goal is to protect our high-quality brands and to protect our interests.” According to the report, Edeka has lodged an objection and will be heard in court in January.

Fierce argument about prices

This was preceded by a month-long dispute over purchasing conditions between Edeka and its juice supplier. Industry giant Eckes-Granini, which also owns the “Hohes C” brand, raised prices at the beginning of the year. Edeka did not want to accept that and threw the Granini juices out of the range.

The delivery dispute caused significant gaps in the drinks shelves at times. Instead of the juices, customers in many markets found a note on the shelf referring to the price war with Eckes-Granini. “Unfortunately, despite tough negotiations, we have not yet been able to reach an agreement with the supplier,” it said.

In the meantime, Edeka has replaced the Granini juices with products from the Albi brand, which has been part of the Edeka Group since 2017. The Albi juices have not only taken up the space previously occupied by Granini. The new design of the bottle also looks astonishingly similar to that of the competitor. While Albi has so far mainly been sold in a tetra pack, in November Edeka suddenly presented it in a 1-liter PET bottle that is just as bulky, with a label on the neck and a colorful cap, like the one from Granini.


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