EBU under criticism: Why EU flags were banned at the Eurovision Song Contest – media

The European Union has lodged a complaint with the organizer of the ESC because, out of sheer panic, he banned EU flags in the hall. Where it leads if you don’t want to be political.

Several EU officials complained after the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö that they were initially prevented from entering the hall before the final on Saturday because they were carrying EU flags. Margaritis Schinas, Vice President of the EU, then wrote a rather harsh letter to the European Broadcasting Union, which organizes the singing spectacle. “Given that the EU is being targeted by malicious and authoritarian actors,” said Schinas, “the EBU’s decision has contributed to discrediting a symbol that brings all Europeans together.” He called on the broadcaster to “explain the reasons for this decision” and to make it clear who is responsible for it. Schinas announced a “very lively debate” with the EBU. You would love to be there. After all, there is a lot to discuss after this year’s ESC, the EBU did an embarrassingly bad job.

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