Ebersberg: Social reception on women – Ebersberg

After a two-year break, Member of Parliament Doris Rauscher invites people to the traditional social reception for full-time and volunteers in the Ebersberg district on behalf of the Bavarian SPD parliamentary group. The motto for this Sunday, July 3rd, is: “(K)One kingdom for a woman?!” It starts at 6 p.m. in the Ebersberger Alm. The evening will give an insight into women’s politics in Bavaria, but also in other countries. Franz Maget, former SPD faction leader in the state parliament and social affairs officer at the German Embassy in Tunis and Cairo, will talk about his experiences there. Ruth Müller, a member of the state parliament and spokeswoman for women’s affairs in the SPD parliamentary group, will report on the situation of women in Bavaria.

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