Ebersberg: Ordinary Drama – Ebersberg

There is nothing wrong with keeping things in order. After all, those who spend less time searching have more opportunities to devote themselves to the beautiful things in life. Sometimes, however, the love of order can also become a curse, for example when the daughter is to get her very first mobile phone for her birthday.

So that the device can be used right away on the anniversary, everything is unpacked, the SIM card inserted and the display wrapped in foil. And all the packaging waste? Will be sorted and disposed of by mom immediately. Sure, what else?

But the next evening, when dad wants to put the cell phone into operation properly, install and download the most important things, the drama begins. “Honey, where’s the PUK?” What please?”The Personal Unblocking Key!” The numeric code to unlock the phone. Well, it turns out: The PUK is written on the frame of the SIM card, and it ended up in the plastic waste. And this bag, in turn, landed in an Ebersberg container that same morning. After all, there must be order.

What happens now? Mommy ends up in the trash too. No joke. Ordering a new SIM card from the telephone provider would take far too long. So, in order to spare the little daughter a bitter disappointment on her birthday, the mother drove from Grafing to Ebersberg at nightfall, armed with a flashlight, rubber gloves and a long shoehorn as a fishing rod, to rescue the PUK. Unfortunately, quite a few sacks have accumulated in the container since the morning, so that “boarding” is inevitable. But the effort is worth it, the tiny little piece of plastic can be salvaged. That the leggings get stuck and tear when leaving the large metal container – for free!

Only: What if someone saw you? If you were observed digging through the garbage? And on top of that maybe exposed as an SZ editor? Well, then you could say: This local editorial team really spares no effort in uncovering regional smuts. This is true investigative journalism. Predicate: very neat!

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