Ebersberg district: unannounced protests against corona policy – Ebersberg

In the district of Ebersberg, too, people protested against the Corona measures at unannounced demonstrations on Monday evening. The largest demonstration took place in Grafing, where, according to police estimates, around 200 people were involved. Around 40 participants each took to the streets in Ebersberg and Markt Schwaben. According to the police, there were no special incidents.

It is not surprising that most of the participants in Grafing went on one of those “walks” that are currently being called everywhere in Germany, as several demonstrations against the Corona policy have already taken place here in the past. In most cases, the organizer was a Grafinger, who was also on trial in August: he was convicted because he had put up posters with anti-Semitic slogans in several shops and in this way created parallels between those persecuted by National Socialism and critics of the Corona measures wanted. The demonstration in Grafing on Monday was not registered, “unfortunately a meeting leader did not show up,” said Ulrich Milius, head of the Ebersberg police station. The police were present, however, and the “walk” went without a hitch. This also applies to the event that took place at the same time in Ebersberg.

In Markt Schwaben, according to Helmut Hintereder, head of the Poing police station, Corona critics took to the streets for the first time on Monday. The police tried to separate the “walkers” into smaller groups, which some of those affected displeased. Otherwise, however, the demonstration in Markt Schwaben went off without any particular incident.

In the northern district, Poing is otherwise more of a stronghold of corona deniers, they have been gathering here on Thursdays for months. In speeches, too, they repeatedly compare themselves with those persecuted by the Nazi regime.

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