Ebersberg District Office: Housing benefit can be applied for online – Ebersberg

With the housing benefit reform planned for January 1, 2023, the group of people entitled to housing benefit will be significantly expanded. In order to be able to guarantee the fastest possible processing, the housing benefit authority in the district office advises you to submit applications online if possible. The online application and further information can be found at: https://www.freistaat.bayern/dokumente/onlineverfahren/876291849894.

The applications can be submitted from now on, but must contain a note that the calculation should take place from January 2023. Due to the change in the law, the housing benefit authority expects a slightly longer processing time and asks for your understanding in advance. Housing benefit is granted retrospectively from the month in which it was applied for. The applicants are therefore not at a disadvantage if the answer from the housing benefit authority is longer in coming than before.

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