Ebersberg district is arming itself against avian influenza – Ebersberg

The Ebersberg district office again issues a general order for protection against avian influenza. The authority announced this in a press release. Anyone who keeps poultry such as chickens, turkeys, quails, ducks or geese must therefore take special precautionary measures against avian influenza, as they did in spring. Small and hobby holdings, for which the strict biosafety requirements for large poultry stocks do not yet apply, are particularly at risk.

Since mid-October 2021 there have been increasing cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Germany. Finds of wild birds in the districts of Cham and Nürnberger Land show that current avian influenza events have also reached Bavaria. In addition, the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI) recently confirmed a single bird flu outbreak in a small domestic poultry population with around 50 chickens in the Erding district.

The regulations of the general decree that recently came into force are now intended to prevent the virus from being introduced into domestic poultry flocks and small and hobby holdings. There is currently no compulsory stabling. For this purpose, stricter biosecurity measures were ordered, such as the ban on exhibitions and markets and the ban on feeding wild birds such as water birds. The latter, however, does not apply to house sparrows, great tits and the like. In addition, an inspection obligation for the “mobile” sale of poultry has been issued.

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