Ebersberg district: high corona numbers put a strain on infrastructure – Ebersberg

The Corona events continue to have a firm grip on the Ebersberg district. Although the viral load measured at the end of June as part of the wastewater monitoring last week was not confirmed, according to a press release from the district office, the experts responsible for the measurement still expect that the summer wave “is foreseeable on a high plateau will remain”. The lower values ​​could therefore also be the result of dilution effects caused by rainwater. “The at least consistently high number of new infections represents a burden on the infrastructure,” says the district office. The authority therefore advises citizens to continue to wear an FFP2 mask voluntarily.

Meanwhile, the incidence value for the district is 896. 363 new infections were reported to the Ebersberg health department on Tuesday, 19 more than a week ago. 15 patients with a corona infection are currently being treated in the district clinic, one of them in the intensive care unit.

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