Ebersberg: Castle owners wanted for Zinneberg Castle – Ebersberg

After the First World War, the then owner of Schloss Zinneberg lost interest and wanted to get rid of it. The surprising discovery of a small booklet now offers an insight into how people tried to sell a lock a hundred years ago.

When the history of Schloss Zinneberg begins is not completely clear; it was presumably first mentioned in documents in the year 1 235. At that time, a knight named Friedrich von Preysing zu Zinnen took part in a tournament in Würzburg. However, a place called “Zinnenberg” is only known to one of his descendants a century later. Whether it is identical to Friedrich’s “battlements” is as little certain as whether there was a castle on the site before and how long it existed. However, there is little uncertainty as to when the history of the palace as a place of representation ends: It is the year 1927. Zinneberg is sold for 735,000 marks to the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, who have run a school there ever since. A document has now emerged that has to do with the previous change in ownership of the old building: a so-called synopsis, a small booklet that praises the advantages of the extraordinary property to potential buyers.

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