Ebelsbach: Toxic carbon monoxide injures four people in kindergarten – Bavaria

Toxic carbon monoxide escaped from a defective heating system in a kindergarten in Ebelsbach, Lower Franconia. Two children and four carers then complained of dizziness and feeling unwell, as the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) announced. According to police information on Wednesday, none of the injured had to be hospitalized. The Bayerischer Rundfunk had previously reported.

According to BRK, 66 children and 15 employees were in the building when the incident occurred on Tuesday. The staff reacted quickly and prudently after two teachers who were in the basement of the kindergarten suddenly became nauseous and dizzy. The girls and boys were then taken out of the building.

Carbon monoxide blocks the transport of oxygen in the blood. Poisoning causes headaches, dizziness, nausea and loss of consciousness – and in the worst case, death from suffocation. The symptoms are rarely noticed, especially when sleeping. According to BRK information, a measurement by the fire department on the ground floor and in the basement of the kindergarten in the Haßberge district revealed very high carbon monoxide concentrations.

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