Eastern Ukraine: Zelenskyj travels to recaptured city of Izyum after offensive

abroad East Ukraine

After the offensive, Zelenskyy travels to the recaptured city of Izyum

“The Russian winter presents a difficulty for every army”

“The Russian army is seeing western weapons having an effect,” says Dr. Christian Hubenthal. The expert on security policy also observes an increase in morale on the Ukrainian side as a result of recent successes, which means that “an army develops significantly more momentum”.

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The Ukrainian army has managed to recapture large areas in the east of the country – including Izyum, a major transport hub. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy now traveled to the village and reiterated the goal of “moving forward and to victory”.

KShortly after the withdrawal of Russian troops, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy traveled to the liberated part of eastern Ukraine. “Our blue and yellow (flag) flies over the liberated Izyum,” said the head of state on social networks on Wednesday.

Selenskyj announced a further advance of the Ukrainian army. “We are only moving in one direction – forward and to victory,” emphasized the 44-year-old. The sight of the destruction is shocking but doesn’t surprise him, the president said. The same pictures were seen from Bucha and other areas from which the Russian soldiers were withdrawing. “The same buildings destroyed, people killed.”

Izyum was only recaptured last week as part of a Ukrainian counter-offensive. The important transport hub is considered the gateway to the industrial district of Donbass and had over 40,000 inhabitants before the war.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the Ukrainian soldiers for their commitment

Source: dpa/Leo Correa

He had promised the residents of many towns in the south and east of the country that he would be able to lead a normal life again. In many places, Ukrainian troops are still stabilizing the situation and arresting Russian soldiers, saboteurs and collaborators, Zelenskyy said in his evening televised address on Tuesday. “It is very important that together with our soldiers, with our flag, ordinary, normal life comes to the territory liberated from occupation.” As an example, he cited the residents of a village who were already paying their pensions again after months of Russian occupation would have gotten.

In the recaptured village of Chkalovke, resident Svitlana Honchar told the AP news agency on Tuesday that the Russians had fled the place in a hurry and very suddenly. “They are gone like the wind.” Some soldiers were apparently left behind in the rush. “They tried to catch up with the others.”

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