Easter Marches: The Dilemma of the Peace Movement – Politics

The focus of the Easter marches in more than a hundred German cities this year is again the Russian invasion, which continues to pose many questions for the peace movement. The “Doctors Against Nuclear War” association is also having trouble coming up with an answer.


Rainer Stadler, Bielefeld

A good two weeks before the Easter marches, “Climate Killer War” is the title of the online lecture. First impression of the event in the evening: the peace movement is getting on in years. The dominant hair color among the 76 participants is grey. This also applies to the speaker, Angelika Claussen, 71, former psychotherapist, German chairwoman of the International Doctors for the Prevention of Nuclear War, IPPNW for short. She joined the peace organization many years ago and was present at the historic demonstration against NATO retrofitting in Bonn in 1983, “then still with a pram,” she says. At that time, the peace movement mobilized millions of people. Long ago.

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