Earthship Sisters, an “academy” to promote women’s leadership in ecological transition

One day, she had had enough of “great data sets” which make a good scientific article but end up in the oblivion of political priorities. Faced with “a lack of leadership to make truly impactful decisions” in favor of the environment, Déborah Pardo, specialist in albatross populations, decided to leave Cambridge and the world of research. In Marseille, in 2018 she launched the movement
Earthship sisters, who is preparing to welcome a third promotion of “sisters”. Applications are open until the end of January. The objective: to promote the role of women in the ecological transition.

“They commit for a year in a program parallel to their professional life,” she explains. In addition to an ecofeminist incubator, with two hundred hours of digital training to lead to a project linked to the environment, Earthship Sisters offers, and this is its originality, two sailing expeditions and five weekends of leadership training in full swing. nature. So many things that come at a cost. “In itself, the program costs 25,000 euros per sisters. We finance two-thirds by seeking grants and sponsorship. They are asked to complete up to 7,000 euros. They are trained in fundraising, some manage to obtain financing from businesses. “

“Sea, leadership, women, this triptych is made for me! “

Florence Colonna, one of the sisters of the first promotion, drew on the indemnities for her conventional break-up to embark on the adventure. She was then at the turn of her forties, wanted to leave Paris and embark on a project that made sense. And which has taken shape today around Citrus, an agency that supports hotels and restaurants in their CSR (corporate social responsibility) approach. “I needed to ask myself the right questions, it’s the course that spoke to me the most,” she says. Compared to a classic incubator, there is one more thing where you work on yourself while working on the project. For me, it’s a pretty original alliance of connection to nature, and I like this idea of ​​creating a link between navigation and leadership. “

“Sea, leadership, women, this triptych is made for me”, said Maud Jego to herself when she saw the creation of Earthship Sisters pass on the networks. “It was a stepping stone,” she said with hindsight. I discovered the sorority, I went from the individualistic ego, after ten years in CDI in a large company, to a collective ego. It was the first time in my life that I found myself in a caring ecosystem, and that I also learned to take care of myself. »Co-founder of Great Village, she aims to open the debate on the barter economy, to co-create regenerative businesses. And now lives between Paris and Brittany.

“When you’re underwater …”

Laura Touzot, 29, was “a little dubious” about the sororical aspect of the program. Before changing his mind: “Even if contacts are not frequent today, when you are underwater, a message and presto, 16 people respond. ” His project ? Educational boxes for children, for each month to understand how nature works and how to participate in preserving it. “I am in the content development phase, and I am preparing a crowdfunding campaign, with the objective that the boxes will be under the tree for Christmas 2022.”

To finance the program, she took the gamble of integrating it into her fundraising “to smooth expenses over time, and make it less worrying”. “It’s pretty crazy, there is really a feeling of belonging to something bigger than us”, she confides, by leading this project in parallel with her work as a researcher in ecology in Grenoble. But no question for her to give up research. Just bring a piece to the building to address the eco-anxiety of young people. Since its launch, there have been 31 “sisters” supported by Earthship Sisters for 22 companies created. The next class must have 24 project leaders.

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