Earthquake protection with algorithms: Italian woman renews the construction industry – economy

During an earthquake, old buildings collapse, burying people under their rubble. If nothing can be done, it was said for a long time. But the Italian Anna Impedovo is trying to change that.

Anna Impedovo would be a tough nut to crack when it comes to professional advice. The lady from Milan is standing in the columned gallery of the Italian embassy in Berlin in a distinctive cocktail dress. 28 years old, make-up for going out, champagne glass in hand. At her side: Alberto Bussini, 28, blue suit, white shirt, glittering stud earrings. The two founded the Isaac company in their hometown of Milan. Here in the dusky pink Palazzo am Tiergarten they are taking part in a networking reception for Italian start-ups that evening. One might assume that her company is at home in the fashion store. Not even close. “We bring innovation to the conservative construction industry,” says Impedovo. Her bold resolution: Isaac wants to use smart technology to protect existing buildings from earthquakes.

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