Earthquake in Morocco: the desperate search for buried people

In the hope of finding survivors days after the severe earthquake in Morocco, the emergency services have further intensified their rescue efforts. As people spent a third straight night on the streets of Marrakesh and elsewhere fearing more aftershocks, soldiers and foreign aid teams began moving into remote mountain villages in trucks and helicopters. Military vehicles loaded with bulldozers and logistical equipment tried to clear roads from landslides in rugged terrain so that ambulances could get through, the online newspaper Morocco World News reported.

For the search and rescue forces, it’s a race against time: experts give a guideline of 72 hours during which a person can go without water for the longest time. Hundreds of people were still missing in Morocco. The magnitude 6.8 earthquake, the worst in Morocco in decades, struck late Friday evening. Since then, the North African country, where earthquakes generally occur only rarely, has been hit by further aftershocks. According to official information to date, at least 2,122 people were killed and at least 2,421 other people were injured.

Hundreds missing after earthquake in Morocco

Although several countries, including Germany, have offered their help, Morocco initially only wants to accept support from four countries. As the Interior Ministry said late on Sunday evening, after a thorough investigation, the authorities had “responded to offers of support from friendly countries Spain, Qatar, Great Britain and the United Arab Emirates.” It was not known whether Germany was also asked for help. In any case, German aid organizations such as the Technical Relief Agency sent the employees they provided back home for the time being.

Saudi Arabia also wants to support Morocco. King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have ordered the establishment of an airlift to deliver aid to Morocco, the state news agency SPA reported late on Sunday evening. The two Arab countries traditionally maintain friendly relations. According to a report in the English-language newspaper Arab News, a Saudi search and rescue team is expected to support the rescue workers.

The government in Morocco meanwhile announced a special aid fund for the needy population. This was intended, among other things, to cover costs for securing damaged houses, the Moroccan news site Hespress reported, citing a government spokesman. There was no information about the amount of the fund. It should be made up of funds from public institutions and voluntary contributions from the private sector, it said. In addition to local hospitals and ambulance services, more than 1,000 doctors and 1,500 nurses were mobilized to provide medical care for the more than 2,000 injured.

mkb, Cindy Riechau

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