Earthquake in Afghanistan: death toll rises to 1,150

Status: 06/24/2022 12:05 p.m

According to the Taliban, after the earthquake in Afghanistan, the number of dead rose to 1,150 and 1,600 people were injured. Many victims are suspected to be under the rubble of thousands of destroyed houses.

The number of dead and injured after the devastating earthquake in Afghanistan continues to rise as the recovery and rescue work continues.

Taliban director Abddul Wahid Rajan, Afghan state news agency Bachtar, said the death toll had risen from 1,000 to 1,150 and the number of injured to 1,600.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs spoke of 770 dead. Afghan state-run media reported Wednesday’s magnitude 6 quake destroyed or severely damaged around 3,000 homes.

Other victims suspected in remote villages

According to the UN, the full extent of the quake is still not foreseeable. In numerous remote villages there were still no helpers. Many victims are believed to be under the rubble.

The natural disaster hit the country of 38 million people in the midst of a severe economic crisis that has already plunged millions of people into deep poverty. More than a million children are at risk of severe malnutrition.

With information from Peter Hornung, ARD Studio New Delhi

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