dYdX confirms blocking of certain user accounts with money linked to Tornado Cash

dYdX Derivatives Trading Platform Cryptocurrency says it has blocked certain user accounts with funds linked to Tornado Cash, as well as inadvertently suspended unrelated accounts.

dYdX saidIt has “un-suspended certain accounts” that the platform had previously blocked in response to the US Treasury Office’s Office of Foreign Assets Control atAdd Tornado Cash to the list.Specially Designated Country or SDN

According to dYdX, several accounts believed to be linked to Tornado Cash were flagged, which were subsequently blocked. And despite the fact that some people never use Tornado Cash.

“This sudden influx of blocks affects a large number of accounts that never directly engage with Tornado Cash, and often such users are unaware of the origin of the funds transferred to them. during various transactions before interacting with our platform however We have to maintain certain limitations,” dYdX said.

According to dYdX, banning users is not the same as seizing money. They say they can always withdraw. However, the platform can set the account to be in “close-only mode”.

Many crypto trading platforms have blocked access to Tornado Cash after US Treasury added the project to its sanctions list on August 8. “U.S. individuals are generally prohibited from contacting them.”

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