Dutch royal family: summer shoot with sea, wind and poodle

Dutch royal family
Summer shoot with sea, wind and poodle

The Dutch royals from left to right: Princess Ariane, Princess Amalia, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima (with poodle Mambo) and Princess Alexia.

© imago/PPE

The Dutch royal family met for the summer shoot. This time there was also a hairy royal: Poodle Mambo.

The Dutch The royal family has completed their annual summer shoot again.

This time King Willem-Alexander (56), Queen Máxima (52) and their three daughters went to the beach in The Hague. There, under a bright blue sky, various positions and combinations were posed for the cameras. Also on Instagram the new photos were published. And obviously leave an impression. One comment is something like: “Why do you look like the cast of a Netflix series? You are so cool Oranges.”

The summer shoot has now become a tradition. The royals provide the public with harmonious family pictures that are still elegant, but still appear more relaxed than other public photo opportunities. A formal, loving family on summer vacation, so to speak. That’s where the royal family usually says goodbye after the shoot – this time it’s said to be going back to their property in Greece.

Surprise guest: Poodle Mambo

For the pictures, the family posed in front of the windy sea, on a wooden staircase, crouching in the sand or with a lighthouse in the background. The outfits were subtly coordinated. White and blue dominated the color palette, the daughters provided some variety: Princess Amalia (19) wore a pale yellow blazer, Princess Ariane (16) a dark green blouse and Princess Alexia (18) casual silk pants.

A very hairy family member had a special appearance at this year’s photo shoot: Poodle Mambo. He sneaks to the family in some pictures and was also kidded by Queen Máxima. The other dogs in the family – three Labradors – are not to be seen.


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