Dürer and Söder – two masters from Nuremberg. Now also as a photo. – Bavaria

Oh dear, do you really have to pay attention to that? Yes, Markus Söder wrote in the current issue of Colorful an appearance as Albrecht Dürer, he poses in the Alte Pinakothek next to his “self-portrait in a fur skirt” (ostensibly his “favorite picture”) and puts his right hand on his chest, thumb and forefinger stretched, just like the master.

And yes, the real master from Nuremberg, Söder, will soon only parlate with the SZ feature pages, no longer with the Bavarian section, because Söder is supraregional, in the Colorful, has now made this appearance in their cultural section – in which he en passant has incorporated (and probably not only stretched two big fingers, but also spread the small one) that as a student he always wore shirts with a capital A and a D below it, based on the other master. What you do as a cultured person.

And no, the new feature section Söder has the photo in the Colorful not worn a fur skirt, but the zip-up sweater that he always wedges between his shirt and jacket in winter and that will soon be popular among Berlin hipsters, as a pop-cultural reference to this Albrecht Cool Söder from the south.

Shouldn’t it be better to write about the recently published Dürer volume “Search for traces in Nuremberg”? Or at least review the Dürer documentary on Arte, last Saturday, prime time? Or is Söder doing that now too?

And of course in the Colorful celebrated the maniac who baptized Nuremberg Airport in the name of the (old) master: yes yes, ER. But at least there you can now pour a little water in: Bringing the fur-rock picture for the big Dürerschau from Munich to Nuremberg – Söder did not succeed in doing that in 2012 (the SZ at least recognized him for his efforts with a fur-rock Söder) . And when Söder took a selfie at the new Dürer Airport in Nuremberg in 2014, he did so in front of an amateur Dürer copy. Ha!

There is nothing in the Colorful. It closes with a very nice statement. The picture has a clear message: “ME!”. What is meant is the painting, not the photo.

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