Duran Duran in an interview: What’s it like being on stage at over 60?

What is it like to still be on stage at over 60? A conversation with John Taylor, the bassist of Duran Duran, about hot baths after shows, aching limbs and a band that has been around even longer than his – the Rolling Stones.

Mr Taylor, would you still consider yourself a pop star today?
No, you can’t be a pop star forever. There is a shelf life for this. If you’re lucky, you’ll be there for a few years, your songs will be in the top ten, and teenagers will hang your posters on their walls. But it’s very, very hard to get on pop radio when you’re over 40.

The bassist of Duran Duran performing on stage

Bassist John Taylor founded the band in 1978 together with keyboardist Nick Rhodes

© Martin Harris / Picture Alliance

You are now 63 and have just toured the US. Do women at least still scream and throw bras at you?
No no …

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