Dunja Hayali was racially insulted on the train and no one came to her aid

Police are investigating
ZDF presenter Dunja Hayali was racially insulted on the Dortmund train – and no one came to her aid

TV presenter Dunja Hayali had to endure nasty insults during a train ride in Dortmund

© Martin Hoffmann / Imago Images

During a train ride in Dortmund, Dunja Hayali shouted racist insults at young people from a group, as the presenter reported on Instagram. She received no support from other passengers. Now the police are investigating.

TV presenter Dunja Hayali says she was racially insulted in Dortmund. She had just returned from the women’s carnival celebrations with a friend when she was harassed by racist remarks while traveling on the subway. She describes the situation in detail on her Instagram channel: “At the same time, a group of four girls and a boy, maybe 17 or 18 years old, got out. Liquor bottles in their hands. Big grin on their faces. And while I was almost back in my thoughts had sunk in, one shouted this saying in my direction: ‘Germany for the Germans. Foreigners out.'”

Confused by the situation, Hayali then tried to confront those calling, but was unsuccessful. With the words: “A chain reaction in my head. Do I say something? What do I say? Am I messing with her? How do I mess with her? Do I have to film this? Am I putting my companion in danger? What do I do with the luggage? Is it provocation or position? Is it worth dealing with drunk idiots now?” she summarizes her thoughts on Instagram.

No support from other passengers for Dunja Hayali

However, before she was able to react and wanted to actively defend herself, the opportunity to do so had already passed. “The doors closed and all I could do was shout something after the group,” added Hayali.

The moderator is angry about what happened, but sees no reason not to continue to stand up and stand up against all of this, as she writes, in the future, to get involved and never give in. Although she is “sad” about her supposedly late reaction, she explains why she is now commenting on it: “Why am I saying this? Because fascists, racists, misanthropes have long since ceased to appear in the typical garb and gender, because this inhumane brown poison continues to spread.”PAID STERN 2019 Special Issue Hate February 16th

To make matters worse, Hayali also learned that the moral courage of the other subway passengers was not in particularly good shape: “No one reacted except us on the S-Bahn.”

The Dortmund police state security agency has now begun investigations on suspicion of sedition, local station Radio 91.2 reported.

Source: Instagram, Radio 91.2


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