Duisburg: Doctor starts 81-hour vaccination marathon – Panorama

Neurologist Ahmad-Mujtaba Mostakiem started an 81-hour vaccination marathon on Friday morning in a hotel at Duisburg’s main train station. For this he hired around 15 employees and ordered several thousand vaccine doses from various manufacturers – including children’s vaccines, said the doctor of the dpa. Already on the morning of Christmas Eve, a queue of around 30 people who wanted to be vaccinated formed. Vaccination should take place in three shifts around the clock.

Many families meet at Christmas. If still unvaccinated people were persuaded to prick, you could get straight to the point in your vaccination center – without registration, said Mostakiem. Together with his team, he offers vaccinations continuously until December 27th at 6 p.m. He couldn’t predict how many people would come.

It is about him to further increase the number of vaccinations. According to him, the doctor started vaccinations in the hotel lobby since November. Several media had previously reported on the action.

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